September 2014 and with the new season just grinding into gear, Rugby world was looking at the people shaping that campaigns, and the years to come, with a list of the ’50 Most Influential People In Rugby’.


As ever, with the value of ten years worth of hindsight, it’s a list that is even more interesting now than it was at the time. Topping out the teens for example were Eddie Jones, then coaching Japan, and Warren Gatland, then the Welsh coach, just as he is now, after a break.


Debbie Jevans was the highest placed woman at number 2012, in her then role as the CEO of England 2015, while the England coach ahead of the approaching World Cup, Stuart Lancaster, was two places above her at number 10.


Top of the pile though was Mark McCafferty, the CEO of Premiership Rugby, described as having ‘shifted the sport on its axis’. He was one of 23 administrators in the 50, followed by 11 players and seven coaches. See what you make of the rest of the list here.


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